No. If you have some that are suitable to the job we can use however they will not be covered by our warranty
How are payments made, and when are they made?
Payments are made in Cash or Check at the end of the day on a short job or for longer jobs hald is required down a quarter halfway and a quarter at final inspection.
How close do you stay to timelines and budgets?
Depends on the contract period. On a contract base the time is fixed. On a time and material base it can vary alot. On a signed and dated proposal it will never exceen the amount of the propsal unless a signed and dated change order is attached.
What about permits?
Most projects will not require permits. In the event that your project does, we will secure it.
How long does it take to get an estimate?
Depending on the scope of the project. Most are sent in 2-3 days.
Who will be coming out to give the estimate?
Damon or his business manager.
How long is an estimate good for?
30 days
Do you offer financing?
No. However we are researching taking credit cards.